Project X-Ray
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Project X-Ray
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segbits files

The segbits files are generated for every FPGA tile type. They store the information about the combinations of bits in the bitstream that are responsible for enabling different features inside the tile. The features can be related to enabling some part of the primitive, setting some initial state of the block, configuring pin pull-up on output pins, etc.

Besides the features provided in this file that can be enabled, the FPGA chip also has the default configuration. Due to that sometimes there is no need for affecting the default configuration.

Naming convention

The naming scheme for the segbits files is the following:


Note that auxiliary segbits_<tile>.origin_info.db files provide additional information about the fuzzer, which produced the database file. This file is optional.

Every tile is configured at least by one of three configurational buses mentioned in the Configuration Section. The default bus is called CLB_IO_CLK. If the tile can also be configured by another bus, it has additional segbits_<tile>.<bus_name>.db related to that bus.

Example files:

  • segbits_dsp_r.db
  • segbits_bram_l.db (configured with default CLB_IO_CLK bus)
  • segbits_bram_l.block_ram.db (configured with BLOCK_RAM bus)

File format

The file consists of lines containing the information about the feature and the list of bits that should be enabled/disabled to provide the feature’s functionality:

<feature> <bit_list>


  • <feature> is of the form <feature_name>.<feature_addr>
  • <bit_list> is the list of bits. Each bit is of the form <frame_address_offset>_<bit_possition>. If the bit has the ! mark in front of it, that means it should be set to 0 for feature configuration, otherwise it should be set to 1.

The names of the features are arbitrary. However, the naming convention allows for quick identifaction of the functionality that is being configured. The feature names are used during the generation of the FASM file.

Feature naming conventions


The <feature> names for interconnect PIPs are stored in the segbits_int_l.db and segbits_int_r.db database files. The features that enable interconnect PIPs have the following syntax:


For example, consider the following entry in segbits_int_l.db:

INT_L.NL1BEG1.NN6END2 07_32 12_33


The <feature> names for CLB tiles use a dot-separated hierarchy.

For example:


This entry documents the initialization bits of the LSB LUT for the ALUT in the SLICEL_X0 within a CLBLL_L tile.


Below there is a part of the segbits_liob33_l.db file for the artix7 architecture. The file describes the CLBLL tile:

LIOB33.IOB_Y0.IN_TERM.NONE !38_120 !38_122 !39_121 !39_123
LIOB33.IOB_Y0.IN_TERM.UNTUNED_SPLIT_40 38_120 38_122 39_121 39_123
LIOB33.IOB_Y0.IN_TERM.UNTUNED_SPLIT_50 38_120 38_122 !39_121 39_123
LIOB33.IOB_Y0.IN_TERM.UNTUNED_SPLIT_60 38_120 !38_122 !39_121 39_123
LIOB33.IOB_Y0.LVTTL.DRIVE.I24 38_64 !38_112 !38_118 38_126 39_65 39_117 39_119 !39_125 !39_127
LIOB33.IOB_Y0.PULLTYPE.KEEPER 38_92 38_94 !39_93
LIOB33.IOB_Y0.PULLTYPE.NONE !38_92 38_94 !39_93
LIOB33.IOB_Y0.PULLTYPE.PULLDOWN !38_92 !38_94 !39_93
LIOB33.IOB_Y0.PULLTYPE.PULLUP !38_92 38_94 39_93

For example, the line:

LIOB33.IOB_Y0.PULLTYPE.PULLUP !38_92 38_94 39_93

means that the feature LIOB33.IOB_Y0.PULLTYPE.PULLUP will be set by clearing bit !38_92 and setting bits 38_94 and 39_93.

Generally, the <feature> name is linked with its functionality. For example, LIOB33.IOB_Y0.PULLTYPE.PULLUP means that in the LIOB33 tile, in IOB_Y0 site the pull type will be set to PULLUP. This simply means that all pins belonging to this particular IOB will be configured with pull-up.