Project X-Ray
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Project X-Ray
Table Of Contents

tile_type files

The tile_type files are generated for every FPGA tile type. They store the information about the tile configuration, its PIPs, sites, wires and their properties.

Naming convention

The naming scheme for the segbits files is the following:


Example files:

  • tile_type_INT_L.json

  • tile_type_BRAM_L.json

  • tile_type_HCLK_CLB.json

File format

The tile type files are JSON files with the following shape:

   "pips": {
      "<PIP_NAME>": {
         "can_invert":' "<BOOL>",
         "dst_to_src": {
             "delay": [
             "in_cap": "<IN_CAPACITANCE>",
             "res": "<RESISTANCE>"
         "dst_wire": "<WIRE_NAME>",
         "is_directional": "<BOOL>",
         "is_pass_transistor": <BOOL>,
         "is_pseudo": "0",
         "src_to_dst": {
             "delay": [
             "in_cap": "<IN_CAPACITANCE>",
             "res": "<RESISTANCE>"
         "src_wire": "<WIRE_NAME>"
   "sites": [
         "name": "<SITE_NAME>",
         "prefix": "<SITE_PREFIX>",
         "site_pins": {
             "<SITE_PIN_NAME>": {
                 "cap": "<CAPACITY>",
                 "delay": [
                 "wire": "<WIRE_NAME>"
   "tile_type": "<TILE_TYPE>",
   "wires": {
      "<WIRE_NAME>": {
         "cap": "<WIRE_CAPACITY>",
         "res": "<WIRE_RESISTANCE>"

“pips” section

The “pips” section describes all PIPs in the tile. Every PIP has its name - "<PIP_NAME>" and may be characterized by the following attributes:

  • can_invert - takes a value which can be either 1 or 0. It defines whether the PIP has an inverter on its output or not.

  • dst_to_src - information about the connection in the direction from destination to source. It describes the following properties of the connection:

    • delay - a four-element list, which contain information about the delay of pins. First two elements are related to the fast corner of the technological process, the second two elements to the slow corner. The first element of the pair is the minimum value of the corner, the second describes the maximum value. They are given in us (nanoseconds).

    • in_cap - the input capacitance of the PIP in uF (microfarads).

    • res - the resistance of the PIP in mΩ (miliohms).

  • dst_wire - the destination wire name

  • is_directional - contains the information whether PIP is directional.

  • is_pass_transisstor - contains the information whether PIP acts as a pass transistor

  • is_pseudo - contains the information whether PIP is a pseudo-PIP

  • src_to_dst - contains the information about the connection in the direction from source to destination. It is described by the same set of properties as dst_to_src section.

“sites” section:

The “sites” section describes all sites in the tile. Every site may be characterized by the following attributes:

  • name - location in the tile grid

  • prefix - the type of the site

  • site_pins - describes the pins that belong to the site. Every pin has its name - <PIN_NAME> and may be described by the following attributes:

    • cap - pin capacitance in uF (microfarads).

    • delay - a four-element list, which contain information about the delay of pins. First two elements are related to the fast corner of the technological process, the second two elements to the slow corner. The first element of the pair is the minimum value of the corner, the second describes the maximum value. They are given in us (nanoseconds).

    • wire - wire associated with the pin

  • type - indicates the type of the site

  • x_coord - describes x coordinate of the site position inside the tile

  • y_coord - describes the y coordinate of the site position inside the tile

“wires” section

The “wires” section describes the wires located in the tile. Every wire has its name - <WIRE_NAME> and may be characterized by the following attributes:

  • cap - wire capacitance in uF (microfarads)

  • res - wire resistance in mΩ (miliohms).


  • tile_type - indicates the type of the tile


Below there is a part of tile_type_BRAM_L.json for the artix7 architecture:

   "pips": {
         "can_invert": "0",
         "dst_to_src": {
             "delay": [
             "in_cap": "0.000",
             "res": "737.319"
         "dst_wire": "BRAM_FIFO18_ADDRATIEHIGH0",
         "is_directional": "1",
         "is_pass_transistor": 0,
         "is_pseudo": "0",
         "src_to_dst": {
             "delay": [
             "in_cap": "0.000",
             "res": "737.319"
         "src_wire": "BRAM_ADDRARDADDRL0"
         "can_invert": "0",
         "dst_to_src": {
             "delay": null,
             "in_cap": null,
             "res": "0.000"
         "dst_wire": "BRAM_IMUX_ADDRARDADDRU8",
         "is_directional": "1",
         "is_pass_transistor": 1,
         "is_pseudo": "0",
         "src_to_dst": {
             "delay": null,
             "in_cap": null,
             "res": "0.000"
         "src_wire": "BRAM_IMUX12_1"
   "sites": [
         "name": "X0Y0",
         "prefix": "RAMB18",
         "site_pins": {
             "ADDRARDADDR0": {
                 "cap": "0.000",
                 "delay": [
                 "wire": "BRAM_FIFO18_ADDRARDADDR0"
             "WRERR": {
                 "delay": [
                 "res": "860.0625",
                 "wire": "BRAM_RAMB18_WRERR"
         "type": "RAMB18E1",
         "x_coord": 0,
         "y_coord": 1
   "tile_type": "BRAM_L",
   "wires": {
      "BRAM_ADDRARDADDRL0": null,
      "BRAM_ADDRARDADDRL1": null,
      "BRAM_ADDRARDADDRL2": null,
      "BRAM_ADDRARDADDRL3": null,
      "BRAM_EE2A0_0": {
         "cap": "60.430",
         "res": "268.920"
      "BRAM_EE2A0_1": {
         "cap": "60.430",
         "res": "268.920"